As reported by German media, on November 9, 2009 the Russian General Persecutor sent to the German police a certificate confirming that the Russian Jew Alex Wiens-Nelzin, a double citizen of Russia and Germany, is not to be tried in a German court in Dresden for killing a pregnant Egyptian Muslim woman Marwa al-Sherbini because he was mentally ill.
According to an official Russian cerificate, Alex Wiens-Nelzin suffers from a mental illness "undiffentiated schizophrenia" and for that reason he was not called up for military service in the Russian Army in 2000.
As a matter of fact, the Russian General Prosecutor lied to the German police.
The Russian version of Newsweek reported in its issue of July 20, 2009 that Alex Wiens-Nelzin did serve in the Russian Army.
It its story based on testimonies of Wiens-Nelzin's relatives and friends in the Russian city of Perm from which the killer emigrated to Germany in 2003, "Russky Newsweek" wrote:
"The Wiens' family emigrated to Germany in 2003. According to the information received by Newsweek, the family lived in Russia under the name Nelzin. Larisa Nelzin raised her son Alex and her daughter Maria without husband. Alex was born on November 12, 1980 in Perm. Soon after his birth the family moved to Astana (Kazakhstan) but in 1999 they returned to Perm and then they emigrated to Germany.
A relative of Maria's husband told Newsweek that Alex was an absolutely normal person in Russia. He often quarrelled with his sister but never behaved as a mentally sick man. Her testimony was confirmed by a school friend of Alex Wiens.
Everyboby knows in Perm that he served in the Russian Army and was never reprimanded by his commanders".
Syukran for your comment and suggest