GAZA -- Hamas affirmed that it would not give up its national and responsible role in convincing all parties on the importance of forging reconciliation for the sake of the Palestinian people's interests.
Fawzi Barhoum, a Hamas spokesman, told the PIC in a statement on Monday that the tour of Khaled Mishaal, the political bureau chairman of Hamas, in a number of Arab countries and his talk about keenness on reconciliation displayed the best proof of Hamas's eagerness to achieve reconciliation.
He said that to the contrary Fatah leaders' statements that reconciliation was far-fetched indicated that their faction was the one obstructing all reconciliation efforts.
The spokesman charged that Fatah is still dealing with the outside form of reconciliation while Hamas insists that the problem is in its essence mainly the Egyptian document that does not meet the aspirations of all parties after amendments were introduced on it that were not discussed in Cairo's rounds of dialog.
Fatah is evading its responsibility by deliberately impeding reconciliation efforts, Barhoum underlined. [adm/pic]
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