Jakarta - Just about less than a week the Islamic social networking which created by Arrahmah Media cheer up the virtual world even today carrying more than 2000 members who register on the Islamic site at http://www.nahnumuslim.com/, and will continues growing.
Greetings which really fantastic appreciated by the Muslims who hoped that nahnumuslim.com can continue to refine the system and the features inside that can rival the social networking site owned by the kuffar.
"Alhamdulillah, today I can join with the Muslim social networking, hopefully this could be a way to strengthen our ukhuwah. Assalaamu'alaikum to all” so commented by one member named Sapri Tahir in his status.
There is another comment from a member with ID Tonny "Its great Admin Brother, because I see other social networking sites which have been touched in more than 2000 members for only 7 days, 4 thumbs up for Admin Brother" said Tonny flattered the nahnumuslim.com which flood of more than 2000 people who register into this social networking site.
Various kinds of comments written by the members on their status, one of them explain which still confused to run existing applications in nahnumuslim.com not surprised because maybe we have long been accustomed to using an existing application in FaceBook.
In addition to the appreciation and support shown remarkable given to nahnumuslim.com, ukhuwah among members are increasingly warm and close, it showed from the status and commented among members which more interactive. Added on the existing system in nahnumuslim.com can, members can commenting on the status of another member while not adding as a friend first and of course the system allows members getting to know each other.
Nahnuslim.com now still in the stage of completion, initially having difficulties which one of them still hard to accessing live on mobile phones and complaints on the previous server which in foreign, now the problem and the complaints little bit resolved because the server of nahnumuslim.com as promised by the manager has moved to a better local server, in sum nahnumuslim.com alhamdulillah now more accessible.
Nahnumuslim.com plans will soon be completed and the completion stage in after ramadhan, so that informed by Admin of nahnumuslim.com in the status update. "Insya Allah, nahnumuslim.com will soon be completed after ramadhan, please pray and support from all ikhwah, hopefully be eased for the result."
Hopefully nahnumuslim.com created by Ar Rahmah Media Network could be the gathering place of the Muslims all over the world and become the largest Islamic social networking site in accordance with the tagline "The Largest Muslim Social Network." Allahumma amen. Hopefully! [adm/arrahmah]
Syukran for your comment and suggest