Moscow 'catches' Georgia in having links with al-Qaeda

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"Georgian secret services are assisting Al Qaeda emissaries in arranging sending of militants and arms in Chechnya and Dagestan", said Tuesday speaking at a meeting of gang of NAC (so-called "National Anti-Terrorist Committee"), its leader, Alexander Bortnikov.

"Audio evidence seized from militants shows that, together with emissaries of Al-Qaeda, they had contacts with representatives of the Georgian secret services. Through these links, Georgia participated in the training and transfer of terrorists to the territory of Chechnya", Bortnikov said. Rata Penuh

"Besides, they perpetually undertake to deliver weapons, explosives and financing for subversive acts on high security sites in Dagestan -- first and foremost on oil and gas pipelines" the FSB director added.

Bortnikov has reported about the murder, since the beginning of summer of this year, of 178 people, calling them "militants".

"They include a certain ‘doctor Muhammed' who comes from Algeria and whom Al-Qaeda sent to Russia to coordinate terrorist activities in Dagestan. Among them are also ringleaders of militants Mustapayev, Mansurov, Bartykhuyev, Kamalutdinov, Emirs of the Kabardino-Balkaria Jamaat Dotkulov and Dzhappulov, as well as Saadulayev, the head of the Sharia court of Dagestan," the FSB director boasted.

We would like to recall that Georgia is fighting against al-Qaida in Afghanistan as part of the American occupation troops. In addition, it was Georgia who on orders of the US extradited the Chechen refugees to Russia, abducting them on their country, "blaming" of having links with Al-Qaeda, in order to appease Moscow.

As for Dr. Muhammad, that doctor from Algeria for many years was in Chechnya, and treated wounded Mujahideen.

We would like to recall also that the Kremlin has recently returned to the FSB the authority of the main occupational structure on the territory of the Caucasus Emirate, thereby directly recognizing that 10 years of war have not only led to the victory of Russia, but on the contrary - lead to the spread of Jihad from Chechnya to almost entire territory of the North Caucasus. [adm/kavkaz]

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